Voices Amplified

Victoria Ito-Koria | Voices Amplified

Victoria Ito-Koria.jpg

Victoria Ito-Koria

What is your occupation/job/career?
Credit Consultant

Where are you located?
Pacific, WA | United States

During this world pandemic what is one thing you keep in the back of your mind that you remind yourself of daily?
Go through it, & GROW through it.

How has your business/workflow been effected? Do you see yourself bouncing back fully or do you see a shift in your business/career?
I am so thankful that my business is recession proof during this time. I have seen a massive increase on new clients and business partners during this pandemic.


Don’t Give up! This too shall pass!

- Victoria Ito-Koria

In a perfect virus free world with all expenses paid, where would you travel to for vacation?

What are you known for?
Helping people with their credit :)

If you were to sit on a panel with Oprah and Michelle Obama, what would you want the discussion topic to be on? 
Establishing classes/courses on the importance of Finances, Credit, Entrepreneurship, Ownership, leveraging Credit, debt, loans, interests etc. in schools.

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